‘The 13th Samos 2023 Summit’ and ‘The 10th International Summer School on Digital Government’ provide the audience with a unique view in the field of ICT-enabled Governance though cutting-edge information, research projects and hands-on activities, while also enabling participants to interact with researchers in the domain of ICT-enabled Governance.
On 27 and 29 June 2023, the IMTs team had the opportunity to participate as a presenting member in two different sessions, showcasing the added-value of IMTs to digital public services and conducting an interactive hands-on workshop to share further insights about the online suite of solutions.
On 27 June 2023, the IMTs team presented the Interoperability Maturity Tools (IMTs) at the The 13th Samos 2023 Summit.
During the presentation, Dr. Raul Abril, Project Officer at the European Commission (EC) DG DIGIT B2, presented the EU Interoperability Landscape through the lens of the Digital Europe Programme, providing participants with a unique view of interoperability, followed by the IMTs team presentation on the online suite of IMTs solutions. For IMAPS, one of the main tools of IMTs, the presentation also included success stories from public administration officials across the EU Member States.

As a complementary action to the the 13th Samos 2023 Summit, on 29 June 2023 the IMTs team team participated in The 10th International Summer School on Digital Governmentand conducted an interactive hands-on workshop to share further insights about the online suite of solutions with representatives from across the EU member states.
During the workshop, participants had the opportunity to view a live demo of the online IMAPS surveyand then with the support from the IMTs team assess from their personal devices the interoperability maturity of real-word digital public services using data from the Hellenic General Directorate of Fisheries in order toidentify interoperability gaps and practical areas for improvement. A panel discussion also took place with multinational representatives from across the EU to exchange feedback and ideas.

IMTs Presentation Materials
Source: https://joinup.ec.europa.eu