The term “public governance” is used to describe the way that the roles of stakeholders, actors and servants are organised, structured, and administered with the objective to strengthen core state functions and guaranteeing citizen participation. Recently, public governance is becoming increasingly relevant in the context of digitalisation and emerging technologies.

A report on the Impact of digital transformation on public governance was published on June 19 2023, to deliver public value benefits that promote the prosperity, wellbeing and flourishing of all people and all parts of society, as enabled by nature’s life-support systems. This is done through a mapping of the public governance arrangements deployed across the EU and the role of digital technology in them and through an analysis of the new strategic challenges the EU faces.
The report on the Impact of digital transformation on public governance came to complete the background work on the evolution of public governance models in Europe from 1945 to 2019 (Exploring the impact of digital transformation on public governance – Prevailing (public) governance models throughout Europe) and the work that started to explore the community perspective (Exploring the impact of digital transformation on public governance – A community perspective), and these three documents together become the foundation for the work to be done on public governance in the future.
Download the full report here!