Executive Board

Hub Executive Board (HExB): The HExB consists of the Hub Coordinator (HC) and 9 representatives from the founding members or key stakeholders. The HExB is the decision-implementing body of the project. HExB approves important decisions, handles urgent change requests and resolves escalated issues and will prepare the decisions to be submitted to the General Assembly for approval (concerning the description of work, budget and allocation of the contribution, etc.). The HExB will validate the deliverables and reports, and the financial management of WPs. The HExB will approve contingency plans, while monitoring IP/Regulatory/Ethical/Environmental issues. The HExB will hold a regular meeting every month.

Theodoros Karounos

Theodoros Karounos was head of the Digital Governance Directorate at GRNET, a senior researcher at NTUA, collaborator at the Network and Optimal Design Laboratory and member at the interdisciplinary research team for the Technological, Economic and Strategic Analysis of the Information Society, INFOSTRAG. From 1979 until today he has worked as an analyst-programmer, has served in positions responsible for the design and implementation of information systems in the public sector as well as a researcher for the development of informatics and telecommunications policies for the Greek government in many public institutions and ministries. He is a member of the board of Open Technologies Alliance (GFOSS).

Yiannis Kotsis-Giannarakis
HUB Coordinator – Associate of DigiGOV Directorate, GRNET
Yiannis Kotsis-Giannarakis is an entrepreneur, active in electronic publishing and digital content since 1985.
He was one of the founding members of the Greek leading internet portal www.in.gr where he acted as Managing Director for the first five years, from conception till its establishment as a major media factor.
Among others he was Director of the Greek edition of National Geographic books and videos, newspaper collumnist and editor of various electronic and paper publications. and reports on Innovation, Entrepreneurship and STEM issues. He served as General Manager at Hellenic Association of Mobile Application Companies (HAMAC – ΣΕΚΕΕ).
Currently, is coordinating Digital Innovation initiatives, at GRnet.

Born 1959 in Alexandria, he studied Biology in Athens, never finished his PhD in Bioinformatics, and spends some weekends hiking and mountain-top communicating with very low power in radiowaves.

Nikolaos Vassilakis
Member – Head of Strategic Planning, DigiGOV, GRNET
Nikos Vasilakis is currently Deputy Director of Digital Governance at GRNET. He has also collaborated with IDIKA for cross-border digital health services. Among others, he has been involved in the formulation of Digital Transformation Strategy of Greece and on the single digital portal of the Greek public administration gov.gr.

He is also a researcher and PhD candidate in e-Government and e-Health at Athens University of Economics and Business (ELTRUN and ISTLab research centers). He has participated in Working Groups for e-Government of diaNEOsis Research Institute (2018, 2021) and Hellenic Innovation & Strategy Forum (2018), and that for e-Health of Greek Open Technology Alliance (GFOSS).
He has been co-founder of a tech startup in health, TechApps Healthier, which develops Healthier (a smart, digital, Personal Assistant for health management) and interrelated services.

He is a graduate (Hons) of Management Science & Technology (Athens University of Economics & Business) and holds a master’s degree (MPhil) in Innovation, Strategy and Organization (Cambridge Judge Business School, University of Cambridge). He has been honored with scholarships by Lilian Voudouri Foundation, and George and Victoria Karelia Foundation.

He has worked on research projects on 1) the use and role of Information Systems in health reform (Cambridge Center for Health Leadership & Enterprise, UK, 2010-2011), 2) RFID applications in hospitals (RF-CURE project, Greece, 2013-2015 ), 3) shared logistics practices in urban environment (UTURN project, H2020, 2015-2016), and 4) eGovernment in Greece (AUEB/diaNEOsis, Greece, 2017). She has also worked as a Business Development Intern at VoiceWeb SA (2008), as a Business Intelligence Consultant at Relational Technology SA (2008-2010) and as a Blue Book Trainee at European Commission (2014).

Antonis Stasis
Min of Dig. Gov.
Member – Director General of Digital Governance
Antonis Stasis is Director General of Digital Governance in the Ministry of Digital Governance. He the holds a PhD degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering. In addition, he has two Master’s degrees a) in Public Administration and b) in Economics and Administration. He had been the head of Departments and Directorates in the Ministries of Administrative Reconstruction and Digital Governance with responsibilities in Digital Transformation and Electronic Government, Public Administration systems support, Electronic Identification, Interoperability. He is certified by the PM2 Alliance Organization at the Advanced level for PM2 Methodology, by Microsoft in Azure Fundamental, among others.

Clio Sgouropoulou
Member – Vice-Rector and Professor
Cleo Sgouropoulou holds a Diploma and a PhD degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA). She is currently a Professor at the Department of Informatics and Computer Engineering and Vice-Rector for Finance, Planning and Development of the University of West Attica (UNIWA). She has also served as Scientific Director of the Institute of Lifelong Education of UNIWA and Head of the Department of Informatics and Computer Engineering.

Vassilios Katsouros
Member – Research Director ATHENA

Vassilis Katsouros is the Director of Institute for Language and Speech Processing (ILSP) at the Athena Research Center (ATHENA RC) since June 2019. He received his M.Eng. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Greece, in 1992. In 1993 he obtained the M.Sc. with distinction in Communications and Signal Processing from Imperial College of Science Technology and Medicine, University of London, UK. In 1997 he received his Ph.D. degree in Mathematical modelling and Stochastic Control from Imperial College.  

Since 1998 he has been working at the ILSP, as head of the Quality Assurance Office (1999-2003), in 2004-2007 he has elected Researcher at ILSP, in 2008-2015 he has promoted to Senior Researcher and in 2015-today he has promoted to Researcher Director.  

He has been elected as President of the Scientific Council of ILSP for the period 2009-2018, as member of the Board of Athena RC since 2016-2019 as an elected representative of the Researchers and Vice-President since 2019. He was among the founding members of LibrisTech, the first spin-off company of ILSP, where he acted as managing director until September 2004 and until 2010 he was President of the Board. He is also Member of the Board at the Information Society S.A since June 2019. 

Despina Mitropoulou
Member – former General Director GFOSS
Despina Mitropoulou received her BSc (Hons) in Digital Media from the University of Portsmouth and her MSc in Child-Computer Interaction from the University of Central Lancashire.

Vassilios Peristeras
Member – Assoc. Prof. & Strategic Analyst at Council of the EU,
Vassilios Peristeras is Assistant Professor at the International Hellenic University, School for Science and Technology in Thessaloniki, Greece. His teaching and research focus on digital transformation, interoperability, information management and open data. For the period 2010 – 2016, he has worked as Programme Manager in the European Commission, ISA Programme being in charge for semantic interoperability, open data and coordinated the revision of the European Interoperability Framework. Before that, he has worked as researcher and consultant in various organizations including the United Nations and the National University of Ireland Galway, where he initiated and coordinated several international R&D eGovernment projects. He has published over 100 papers in scientific journals/conferences and has served as editor, program committee member and reviewer in more than 60 journals, books, and conferences.

Tassos Koutlas
Member – Deputy VP of Digital Solutions Europe at FFW
He is a digital transformation, technology and communication expert with a PhD in artificial intelligence. He has many years of experience in developing strategy, planning and implementing complex digital transformation projects in the Americas, Europe and Asia. He works as Deputy Director of Digital Solutions Europe in an international technology company.

D. Giantsis

Dimitris Yiantsis is the General Manager of the General Directorate of Projects of the Information Society SA (ISSA). He is responsible for the effective coordination, guidance and supervision of all the Directorates and Units of the General Directorate, which have as their object the implementation of ICT projects and state aid actions. Previously and for a number of years he held the position of Infrastructure Support Manager at ISSA, having been involved in some of the most emblematic IT and Telecommunications projects of the State, such as Rural Broadband, Government Cloud (G-Cloud) and Synexis II.

He has 20 years of work experience in the fields of telecommunications, IT and project management, both in the private and the wider Public sector, having managed complex co-financed projects, as well as Public-Private Partnership (PPP) projects. He has served as General Manager at the “Digital Greece Observatory”, while he began his professional career at WIND Hellas as an IT Engineer.

He holds a master’s degree in Mobile, Personal and Satellite Communications from the University of Westminster and a graduate of the Technical University of Patras in the field of Electrical Engineering and Computer Technology. He is also a Certified Project Management Professional (PMPR) since 2008.