The European Digital Innovation Hub for Digital Governance GR digiGOV-innoHUB, the Region of Crete, the Informatics & Communications Centre – ICC, the University of Crete, the Th.E.A. (the Athens Startup Business Incubator) and the European Digital Innovation Hub for Smart Health: Precision Medicine and Innovative eHealth Services (smartHEALTH) are organizing the Hackathon for Health and Wellness Crete 2024, a Competition aimed at highlighting innovative ideas on the subject of “Health and Wellness” at 20&21/04/2024.
The Hackathon is an important initiative for the development of innovative applications to improve processes and services in the Public Sector and in Small and Medium Enterprises, in activities related to the “Health and Wellness” field of specialization of Smart Specialization Strategy of the Region of Crete.

The competition will be held in two locations:
1. At the Informatics & Communications Centre facilities in Heraklion, Crete
2. At the “Konstantinos Michalos” entrepreneurship center of the Athens Startup Business Incubator(THEA), in Athens.
Applications with proposals for participation inHackathon for Health and Wellness Crete 2024 submitted online by March 20, 2024 by filling out the form: