GR digiGOV-innoHUB invites members of the business and academic community, as well as experienced public sector executives in digital innovation, to become mentors in pilot projects aimed at addressing technological challenges in Public Administration.
Mentors should have an understanding of the Public Administration’s procedures as recorded in the National Registry of Administrative Public Services, the objectives of the Hub, the services of,, and, deep knowledge of technology trends and their applications in the public sector as well as experience in the successful deployment of similar projects. Mentors will share their knowledge by supporting SMEs, mainly start-ups, and the project teams of the hub partners in designing effective solutions that address critical challenges faced by public organisations and/or the citizens who interact with them.
Expression of interest
If you have a matching profile and are interested in actively contributing as a mentor to the GR digiGOV-innoHUB, please fill in the form in EL