SOR invites you to the first of three webinars on Tuesday 4 May, from 2pm to 4pm CET, on “Policy & Strategy Aspects of OSS in Public Administration”. We will summarise our dialogues with thirty local experts on the difficulties and solutions encountered with procurement, selecting software, releasing in-house software, managing migrations, finding data, and collaboration between cities. This webinar is open to all and should be of interest to anyone making IT policy and decisions in public administration.

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For twenty years, the number of regions using Open Source Software (OSS) has been increasing. The number of experts too. In 2023, OSOR is gathering this collective knowledge, to make it available to others who are working on similar projects. This series of webinars will spread this knowledge to as large an audience as possible – both on the day, and through the recording and the materials that will be produced after the webinar.
Knowledge of technical and licensing issues is today quite common, but many public administrations are now looking at whether they are making optimal use of OSS. OSS has unique advantages such as being in full control of the software and data and also being able to collaborate with the developers and with other users. With planning, these advantages can be put to use in fulfilling the objectives of public administration.
While later webinars will involve a mix of public sector, private sector and service providers, this first webinar focusses exclusively on the public sector. Topics worked on will include decision frameworks, procurement, communication with users, and budgeting.