GRNET and the European Digital Innovation Hub for Digital Governance GR digiGOV-innoHUB are organizing on March 10, 2023, a workshop on “Synergies for the future: The European Blockchain Services Infrastructure and the European Digital Innovation Hubs” at Th.E.A. (the Athens Startup Business Incubator) premises. The event will focus on the opportunities for blockchain technologies exploitation in the Greek Public Administration and the role that the European Blockchain Services Infrastructure (EBSI) can play in the context of the European network of Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIHs-European Digital Innovation Hubs Network), member of which is the GR digiGOV-innoHUB.
The workshop is addressed to:
- members of the Greek blockchain community who are interested in developing applications on the European EBSI infrastructure
- business executives, agencies and services interested in the design and creation of services for citizens and businesses, with a European dimension, with blockchain technologies
- academic and research institutions in science and technology.
EBSI and existing use cases of blockchain technologies, as well as the upcoming Large Scale Pilots launched with the support of the European Union will be presented. Additionally, participants will gain insight into Europe’s Digital Decade and the objectives for Europe’s digital transformation by 2023, the Public Administration digital maturity assessment plan & the technological challenges that have been developed in the context of the GR digiGOV-innoHUB hub. In order to address these challenges, the Hub will act as an environment for experimentation and testing in selected pilot projects and advanced technologies (AI, ML, IoT, 5G, Cybersecurity, Blockchain, Cloud & HPC). At the same time, the HUB invests in developing partnerships with the public and private sectors, the academic and research community, Digital Innovation and Blockchain Hubs, with the aim of rapidly developing efficient and sustainable digital solutions that will contribute to the evolution of the Public sector into an investor and buyer of innovative solutions.
The event is supported by the European project ELEDGER (Hellenic Distributed Ledger Technology Infrastructure) and the European Digital Innovation Hub for Digital Governance GR digiGOV-innoHUB.
ELEDGER: The Commission has decided to award a grant, under the terms and conditions set out in the Special Conditions, the General Conditions and the other Annexes to the Agreement, number 2020-EL-IA-0079.
GR digiGov-innoHUB is co-funded by the European Commission under the Digital Europe Programme grant agreement no.101083646 and the Operational Competitiveness Programme 2021-2027.
Click here to watch the workshop online
Ώρα | Θέμα | Ομιλητής |
09:30 | Registration | |
Opening | ||
10:00 | Welcome | Athanasios Kakarountas, GRNET, Deputy Chairman of the Board |
10:10 | Yiannis Kotsis Giannarakis, GRNET, GR digiGOV-innoHUB Coordinator | |
10:20 | Michael Dritsas, CEO of Elevate Greece SA | |
EBSI – Synergies for the future | ||
10:30 | General introduction to the European Blockchain Partnership (EBP) and the European Blockchain Services Infrastructure (EBSI) Technical introduction to EBSI (JMP) Use cases and early adopter programme (PM+JMP) Next steps and future of EBSI (JMP+PM) Q&A | Pierre Marro, Policy Officer at EC DG CNECT, in charge of the Blockchain file and in particular the EBP and EBSI. José Manuel Panizo Plaza, IT Product Officer – Blockchain / DLT Business Manager at DG DIGIT unit D3 – S002 European Commission. |
11:30 | GRNET @ EBSI: The Greek participation and the forthcoming Large Scale Pilots | Panos Louridas, GRNET, European Blockchain Partnership representative |
11:50 | CERTH/ITI @ EBSI: Paving the road to self-sovereign identity with blockchain: The Hellenic Distributed Ledger Technology Infrastructure (ELEDGER) & EBSI Conformant wallets | Kostas Votis,Director of Visual Analytics Lab, CERTH/ITI |
12:10 | Coffee Break | |
12:30 | GR digiGOV-innoHUB | Yiannis Kotsis Giannarakis, GRNET, GR digiGOV-innoHUB Coordinator |
12:45 | GR digiGOV-innoHUB -Challenges for the Public Sector | Xenophon Tsilimparis, GRNET, GR digiGOV-innoHUB Project Manager |
13:00 | Secure information in cross-border data spaces | Gorka Oteiza, Innovation Engineer, Lantik |
13:15 | Lunch Break | |
Views from the Industry | ||
14:00 | Challenges for Innovation | George Markatatos, Chairman SEKEE |
14:20 | The Hellenic BlockChain HuB Δυναμικές του ελληνικού οικοσυστήματος καινοτομίας και αναδυόμενες τεχνολογίες | George Karamanolis Co-Founder & CTO/CIO Crowdpolicy & FintelioX / Συντονιστής κόμβου blockchain |
14:40 | BlockChain in Transportation & Logistics | Kostas Haniotis, Chairman ILME, Institute of Logistics Management |
15:00 | Blockchain for compliance – DigitalProduct Passports | Denis Avrilionis, CEO Compellio |
15:20 | Investing in the BlockChain Ecosystem – The view from an Industry Leader | Antonis Cassano, BusDev Manager Unisystems – Pleiades IoT Cluster |
EBSI for the Public Sector | ||
15:40 | The Cyprus Blockchain Experience | Kleitos Christodoulou, as Prof. UNicosia Cyprus |
16:00 | Use Cases for Health | George Dafoulas, MD, Clinical Consultant, Faculty of Medicine, University of Thessaly and Citiesnet SA, Expert of KEDE Health Committee |
16:20 | A new way of exchanging information: verifiable credentials in a decentralized context | Iraklis Varlamis, GRNET, Director for Digital Governance |
17:00 | Close |

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