Τιμοκατάλογος υπηρεσιών του Κόμβου

Services OfferedUnitService ValueState Aid
WP2 – Digital Maturity Assessment etc54,66%
Digital Maturity Assessment for SME Follow up assessment and Validation per projectPer entity2.0001.093,20
Digital Maturity Assessment for PSO Follow up assessment and Validation per projectPer entity3.5001.913,10
Project Journey Design & Digital Service BlueprintProject (SME)2.0001.093,20
Service Design Sprint (Project Journey Design & Challenge definition & Digital Transformation Plan)Project (PSO)5.0002.733,00
Interoperability maturity assessementProject (PSO)4.0002.186,40
Data maturity assessmentProject (PSO)4.0002.186,40
WP3 – Test before invest (development)UnitService ValueState Aid
Market researchProject8.0004.372,80
Feasibility study (including market research)Project20.00010.932,00
MVP DesignProject3.0001.639,80
TRL / BRL validation (demo, simulations, etc)Project7.0003.826,20
Design of small and mid-scale pilotsProject5.0002.733,00
Pilot Definition (Pilot Implementation Plan, Access to Knowledge and technical solutions etc)Project (PSO)25.00013.665,00
TRL 7 development (prototype, pilot development)Project15.0008.199,00
Pilot testing & evaluation (metrics, performance tests, end users tests)Project3.0001.639,80
Pilot transfer plan / Technological scale-upProject (PSO)6.0003.279,60
POC developmentProject (PSO)20.00010.932,00
Data analysis, data preparation, testbedsProject5.0002.733,00
WP3 – Access to infrastructures
Access to Infrastructure (AI/ML Platform, HPC core units, Blockchain, Cloud/VMs/Storage) Acceleration or PilotProject8.0004.372,80
Sandbox developmentProject (PSO)30.00016.398,00
WP4 – SkillsUnitService ValueState Aid
DigiGov Academy: Access to Open Massive Online Courses – MOOCsPer entity / 3 licences500273,30
miniDGAper participant3.5001.913,10
Tailor made skills development programsup to 40hours training tailor made for up to 20 participants25.00013.665,00
Skills development programs (access to full training catalog) (prepaid)up to 100h training (up to 3 participants)12.0006.559,20
Skills development programs (pay as you go)per hour/ per participant200109,32
Bootcamp / miniConferencesPer entity2.5001.366,50
WP5 – Investment SupportUnitService ValueState Aid
DigiGOV Agora, virtual marketplacePer entity1.500819,90
Matchmaking activitiesPer entity2.5001.366,50
Advisory Service : Legal and practical expertise on Innovation Procurement, Funding oportunitiesPer entity (PSOs)5.0002.733,00
Advisory Service : Legal and practical expertise on Innovation Procurement, ACCESS to Funding oportunitiesPer entity (SMEs)3.0001.639,80
Innovation procurement – Networking & Awareness Events (organisation and participation) to promote knowledge, and practical use of legal procedures to implement the practices of innovation procurementPer participant500273,30
Innovation procurement – Acting as central purchasing body that implements innovation procurements for public sector organisationsProject25.00013.665,00
Investment Cycle-Pitching Events with Equifund/VCs (counseling, personalized services, BRL/IRL validation)Project5.0002.733,00
Investment Cycle with Equifund/VCs (pitching)Per entity3.0001.639,80
Support for submitting to ERDF, Horizon, InvestEU, EIB, etc. (advisory services, consulting, personalized support)Project6.0003.279,60
Support for submitting to ERDF, Horizon, InvestEU, EIB, etc. (workshops)Per entity / Per event500273,30
WP6 – Networking and InternationalisationUnitService ValueState Aid
Networking activities, speed dating sessions, workshops, knowledge exchange events, best practices, pitching eventsPer entity8.0004.372,80
HackathonsPer event25.00013.665,00
Internationalisation, pitching activitiesPer entity3.0001.639,80